6 research outputs found

    Technical Analysis Of Security And Wireless Lan Solution

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    Most of the Wireless LAN (WLAN) currently use the 2.4 gigahertz frequency band(GHz), the only part of the radio spectrum frequency (RF), which is left in the worldwho have yet to perangakat license.By using the Wireless LAN RF means that clients are located in the service accesspoint (AP) can receive data transmitted from the access point. Because radio wavespropagate through the ceiling, floor or wall, the data transmission can reach intendedrecipients who are not in the room a different building or outside the building that hasthe AP.802.11 WLAN protocol standard that has many weaknesses in terms of security. Ahacker / intruder with easy to use analysis software to identify the 802.11 Service SetIdentifier (SSID). By using these utilities, a hacker can monitor frames sent over theWLAN.Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) which is used to encrypt each set of frames, but ahacker can easily break the WEP encryption of information after an active networkmonitoring

    Studi Empirik Interaksi Strategis Pemerintah Daerah di Indonesia

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    One potential positive impact of fiscal decentralization in Indonesia is positive competition among subnational government to maximize the public welfare. The competition is reflected by spatial correlation of the expenditure per capita with its neighbouring subnational government.  Using the dataset in 2010 at district level and spatial econometrics approach, this study tests whether strategic interaction between region government expenditure is present. Our estimation results show positive strategic interaction among subnational government expenditure.  Furthermore, the highest interaction is for the expenditure in economic, indicating the competition is much more motivated by economic outcomes

    Edukasi Manual Material Handling untuk Pencegahan Musculoskeletal Disorders pada Pekerja Industri Katering di Desa Banguntapan, Bantul

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    One of Occupational safety and health (OSH) problem in catering is related to ergonomics. Lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling and carrying loads, done incorrectly or the use of tools that are not ergonomic, will pose a risk of injury to workers. The working process in catering starts from the preparation of ingredients; food is lifted from the market to temporary storage, then during the cooking process; lifting pots containing food from the stove, after the food is cooked; lifting food that to be distributed to customers affects musculoskeletal. Musculoskeletal risk factors in the catering business are long working hours, repetitive work with the same posture when preparing food, kitchen design, and unergonomic equipment, also limited workplace. Prevention efforts are important to prevent catering workers from Occupational Diseases, especially musculoskeletal disorder. Community service was provided to catering business owners and workers in the village of Banguntapan, Kab. Bantul. Based on community diagnosis, workers generally complain of illness. Aims to give awareness about risk and how to prevent musculoskeletal disorders by lifting weights properly. The method was counselling by poster media. Persuasive communication was carried out to convey the important contribution of all parties in enforcing OSH. Activities were going well, managers and workers understood and can practice how to lift weights properly. This community service is an effort to empower people to increase their knowledge and care in realizing an ergonomic work environment concept

    Menimba Peradaban dari Sekolah di Korea

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    Buku ini mencoba membahas tentang Kunjungan atau Muhibah ke Korea Selatan yang diadakan pada tanggal 25 Juni – 2 Juli 2022 ini diharapkan dapat menjadi pintu gerbang bagi anak-anakku untuk dapat belajar secara empiris terhadap hal positif yang dimiliki oleh Negeri Ginseng dan mengaktualisasikannya dalam kehidupan di SMA Taruna Nusantara maupun kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa, dan bernegara di Indonesia secara umum. Adapun dengan adanya buku ini diharapkan mampu menjadi dokumentasi yang tak lekang oleh waktu dan dapat menjadi sarana menebar pengalaman berharga bagi seluruh pamong dan siswa SMA Taruna Nusantara maupun masyarakat luas